Visas and Passes to Uganda:- Uganda Airlines Visas and passports to Uganda | Uganda Airlines Global

Visas and Passes to Uganda

Any person intending to enter into Uganda should do so only for lawful purposes and in accordance with national immigration laws, guidelines, and formalities
  • Foreign nationals intending to enter Uganda for purposes of employment are required to comply with requirements for expatriate employment in Uganda.
  • All visa prone nationalities are required to obtain Uganda visas to facilitate their entry into the country.
  • Uganda visas may be obtained at Uganda missions abroad or on arrival at the ports of entry in the country.
  • All travellers to the Republic of Uganda MUST have a valid Yellow Fever Immunization card.

Uganda Electronic Visa /Permit Application

Online visa applications are possible, visit the Uganda Electronic Visa/Permit Application System at Uganda Immigration

Uganda Visa Fees:

Information about Visa and permit fees can be obtained from:

Uganda Immigration Help Center
  • Visas do not permit gainful or voluntary employment in Uganda.
  • Entry into or exit from Uganda should be made only through gazetted ports of entry/exit
List of visa-exempt nationalities

i.e. If your nationality is one of the lists, you don't need to apply for a Visa for entering in Uganda.

The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) East African Community Others

1.     Angola

2.     Eritrea

3.     Malawi

4.     Madagascar

5.     Seychelles

6.     Swaziland

7.     Zambia

8.     Comoros

9.     Kenya

10.  Mauritius

11.  Zimbabwe

12.  Botswana

1.     Tanzania

2.     Rwanda

3.     Kenya

4.     Burundi

1.     Antigua

2.     Barbados

3.     Fiji

4.     Grenada

5.     Lesotho

6.     Sierra Leone

7.     The Solomon Islands, The Grenadines

8.     Vanuatu

9.     Ghana

10.  Cyprus

11.  Bahamas

12.  Belize

13.  The Gambia

14.  Jamaica

15.  Malta

16.  Singapore

17.  St. Vincent-Tonga

18.  Ireland

19.  Libya

Note: visas do not permit gainful or voluntary employment in Uganda
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